Club Oscar is a 2005 animated short film, based on Shark Tale. It was released on DVD on February 8, 2005, along with the film. This short film is sort of a sequel of the 2004 film.
The short shows the characters dancing at the Whale Wash in a parody of Saturday Night Fever.
The entire Shark Tale cast all reprise their roles.
Oscar and his fish and shark friends dancing together in various discos in the club.
Voice Cast[]
- Will Smith as Oscar
- Jack Black as Lenny
- Renée Zellweger as Angie
- Robert De Niro as Don Lino
- Martin Scorsese as Sykes
- Vincent Pastore as Luca
- Ziggy Marley as Ernie
- Doug E. Doug as Bernie
- David P. Smith as Crazy Joe
See full cast at IMDB here
On February 8, 2005, Club Oscar was released with the Shark Tale DVD.
External links[]
- Club Oscar on IMDb
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