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Kova • Drazil • Kaltenecker the Cow • Galra • Arusians • Olkari • Puigians • Taujeerians • Druids |
Kova is a cat-like alien animal from Voltron: Legendary Defender. He was Haggar's pet 10,000 years ago before he becoming Narti's pet.
Kova was originally from Altea, who kept Honerva company on Daibazaal as she studied the dimensional reality rift. When he became ill, Honerva treated him with Quintessence which changed his appearance and made him more hostile.
10,000 years later, Kova becomes a pet to Narti, one of Lotor's top generals, who used her telepathy to see and hear through him. Kova was often seen on Narti's shoulder and stuck by her, even when she was killed.
Drazil is a second Robeast that looks like a lizard in Voltron: Legendary Defender.
When the Paladins of Voltron were rescuing Balmera X-95-Vox, Haggar sent this beast to destroy them. At first it was difficult because it had many eyes on which it shot lasers. But when Balmera got the vitality back, it stopped it with crystals. But later it got free and tried to destroy the Paladins again. But they managed to destroy it definitively.
Kaltenecker the Cow[]
Kaltenecker the Cow is an Earth cow that Pidge and Lance got when buying a Mercury Gameflux Two game system from a store in the Unilu Space Mall from the Netflix TV series Voltron: Legendary Defender.
When Pidge and Lance were looking for teludav lenses, Pidge wanted to buy a Mercury Gameflux Two game system and Killbot Phantasm 1 game too. And when Pidge and Lance got enough money to buy them, they got this cow to trade. And since then it has traveled with Paladins of Voltron.
The Galra are an alien species from Voltron: Legendary Defender. The majority of them are subjects of Emperor Zarkon and members of the Galra Empire, though some are part of opposition groups like the Blade of Marmora.
The Galra are a humanoid species, but a number of variants or possibly hybrids are known to exist.
The most commonly seen Galra typically have purple or blue skin, yellow eyes, and some possess ridges of horns and/or large, pointed ears. Galra are typically taller than the average human, and like humans have varying body types. Sexual dimorphism is also present among the Galra, with females typically displaying slimmer frames.
While many Galra share common traits, there are a number of notable exceptions to these rules. Antok of the Blade of Marmora was the first Galra to be shown to possess a tail; it is unknown what other atypical traits he may have possessed. Some Galra-notably Prince Lotor and one of his elite female soldiers-possess facial features and hair that are more reminiscent of humans or Alteans than most Galra. Another of these warriors has been shown to have green skin, while another has skin in various shades-predominantly red-as well as a tail-like growth emerging from the top of her head.
The Arusians are the natives of the planet Arus in Voltron: Legendary Defender. A diminutive race, with their tallest known members being shorter than human or Altean adults, they are vaguely reptilian with green skin and tails. All Arusians have growths on top of their heads of varying shape.
Olkari are a proud engineer species who live in Olkarion from the Netflix TV series Voltron: Legendary Defender. They have a magical ability to modify metal, and make the computer essential to the essential.
When Galra attacked to Olkarion a few Olkari got away, and they had to hide in the forest. And when Voltron arrived to Olkarion, its Paladins helped them to evade the Galra. And the Paladins found out that Lubos, the former king of the Olkari was helped the Galra to build the weapon cube skiff one Galra Commander intended to destroy the Olkarion, and enslave his nation. The battle was ticklish, but Pidge managed to destroy the weapon cube, and then the Galra's forces had to retreat. And after the victory Ryner and the Olkari promised to support the Paladins of Voltron when they face Zarkon.
Puigians are a species of alien race native to planet Puig from the Netflix TV series Voltron: Legendary Defender.
When Galra Empire had conquered Puig, Lance, Hunk, and the Blade of Marmora came to free the planneta from its control. And then they began to cooperate with Voltron and and help it free the universe from the Galra Empire.
The Taujeerians are grub-like alien race from planet Taujeer from the Netflix TV series Voltron: Legendary Defender.
When Galra Commander Morvok and his forces took all their resources from them, they were going to evacuate them all to the nearest moon and set up a temporary settlement there. But Morvok left only one engine on their ark. But Voltron came to help them, and they managed to help them out of the planet before it was destroyed. And later they helped Voltron and its Coalition fight against the Galra Empire.
The Druids are an evil branch of the Galra Empire led by Haggar in Voltron: Legendary Defender.
The origins of the Druids are unknown, but they have gained a reputation for experimentation in the fields of both dark magic, of which they are skillful wielders, and cybernetics. Among their contributions to the Galra Empire is the refining of quintessence from its natural form into fuel used for Galra ships, weapons, and other technologies.
Abilities and Traits[]
With the exception of Haggar, all the Druids seen thus far are visually identical, appearing as tall, hooded figures with masks that resemble beaks and have holes that appear to expose four yellow eyes. Their hands, which are the only parts of their bodies to be exposed, possess dark purple skin. Those Druids who have spoken sound as though they are male, though it is unknown whether this is the case or even if the Druids are Galra or some other species entirely. All Druids produce the ability to manipulate energy, which they can use to refine quintessence or emit for offensive of defensive purposes.
The Druids are also capable of disappearing and reappearing, though the range of this power is unknown, and in some instances disappear after being killed. Due to their abilities the Druids are incredibly dangerous and powerful, and only skilled warriors have been shown to be capable of battling them and surviving, let alone winning. However, as stated the Druids are not immortal, and can be killed by the Luxite weapons of the Blade of Marmora, exposure to powerful enough energy, and one of the configurations of the Black Bayard; whether the other Bayards can do likewise has not been determined.