Dreamworks Animation Wiki

Victor Johnson (also known as Goon Leader) is the secondary antagonist in the DreamWorks film, Abominable. The goon leader secretly works for Dr. Zara, despite being under the employment of Mr. Burnish.



The goon leader is shown to be very ruthless, greedy, and highly determined. However, he does have a fear of being punished as when it comes to failing to capture Everest. Although the goon leader worked for Mr. Burnish, he was not completely loyal to him and instead was loyal to Dr. Zara as they both to make a profit out of Everest through research. However, the goon leader does have some morals as when it comes to capturing Everest alive, but his greed allowed him to still follow Dr. Zara's orders.


  • The goon leader's real name is never mentioned in the movie.
  • The goon leader is more ruthless than his minions who are absent-minded and a bit clumsy.
  • According to Burnish, the goon leader used to work at a shopping mall.
  • While following Dr. Zara's orders, he is shown to be shocked when she pushes Yi off a bridge.


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Abominable Logo
Films: Abominable

TV Series: Abominable and the Invisible City

Main Characters: YiEverestJinPeng

Support Characters: BurnishDr. ZaraGoon LeaderWhooping SnakesMeiNai NaiLiLiGreat Watcher

See also
Songs: Beautiful LifeFix YouDreams

Cast: Chloe Bennet (Yi)
Crew: Chris SandersRupert Gregson-Williams
