The Map was originally own by a group of sailors that Tulio and Miguel won by using the sailors' dice. Upon arriving on map, Miguel took out the map and realized that their own that could league them to El Dorado. The duo took turn using it and follow the trial that would lead to El Dorado. As Tulio was packing up some of the gold he was taking with him, he took one last look at the Map. He then tore it up, possibly to make sure no one else uses out to find El Dorado.
Each of the seven markers on the map is likely meant to be a city in Mexico. The first marker represents Xalapa, the second marker represents Teotihuacán, the third represents Tenochtitlan (later Mexico City, Mexico's capital), the fourth represents Tlaxcala, the fifth represents Atlixco, the sixth represents Tehuacán, and the seventh represents El Dorado.