Dreamworks Animation Wiki

North, you probably know him as Santa Claus, but he is not the typical belly-full-of-jelly character with which you are familiar. North is a warrior wit a heart of gold. He has “Naughty” tattooed on one arm and “Nice” on the other. Fierce, demanding, and impulsive, everything about him is larger than life. For North, nothing is impossible as long as he believes in it.

Rise of the Guardians

He is a former Russian Cossack (that explains the accent!) Nicholas is “the bravest man in the world.” He “was as wild as they come as a youth, and along the way his warrior heart was turned to good. He decided to put all that prowess and energy and courage into protecting the innocent.” Joyce was inspired by Sean Connery’s James Bond for this character: “There’s no way you can be Santa and not have extraordinary technology at your disposal.”
