Pinecone & Pony is a children's animated television series produced by DreamWorks Animation and First Generation Films for Apple TV+. The series is loosely based on the children's book The Princess and the Pony by Kate Beaton.
The first season was released on April 8, 2022, and the second season was released on February 3, 2023.
The series follows the adventures of Pinecone and her pony as they face trolls, giants, dragons and a dangerous rope bridge atop a valley.
- Maria Nash as Pinecone
- Chase W. Dillon as Hawthorn
- Rachel House as Gladys
- Alicia Richardson as Queen Kimya
- Andy Hull as Arlo/Whomp
- Thom Allison as Greymoon
- Viola Abley as Annabelle
- Vienna Jackson as Oatcake
- River Novin as Peregrine
- Shiloh Obasi as Rhino
- Beatrice Schneider as Fauna
- Ser Anzoategui as Wren
- Emma Hunter as Magpie
- Scott Thompson as Thistle
- Karen Robinson as Magnolia
- Michela Mohamud as Beetle
- Johnathan Langdon as Rowan
- Grace Lynn Kung as June
- Julius Cho as Doraji
- Samiyah Crowfoot as Celestia
- John Michael Banovich as Nova