Dreamworks Animation Wiki

1. Examine Gooch's Brain or Count Erica's Toes

2. Basketball or Dodgeball

3. Bo Hweemuth Doing a Vomit or Stanley Peet Doing a Wet Floor Hazard

4. Tickle Dressy's Foot or Take Off Dressy's Headband

5. Tickle-O-Rama or Hug-O-Rama

6. Pull a Prank or Steal One of Melvin's Inventions

7. English Class with Dressy or Science Class with Gooch

8. Chemistry or Play with Putty

9. Do Vocabluary or Take a Test

10. Harold's Drawings or Erica's Drawings

11. Knick Jessica Gordon's Boot or Knick Other Sophie's Glasses

12. Museum with Mr. Ree's Brother or Family Entertainment Center with Mr. Meaner's Sister

13. Explore the Museum or Follow the Tour Guide

14. Explore the Family Entertainment Center or Follow the Tour Guide

15. Food Fight-O-Rama or Dance-O-Rama

16. Tickle the Bones or Pull Out One of Its Bones

17. Clean the Family Entertainment Center or Have the Cleaner Clean the Family Entertainment

18. Harold's Drawings or Erica's Drawings

19. Expel Melvin and Stanley or Expel Jessica & the Sophies

20. Change the Letters of a Sign or Do a Victory Dance<ac_metadata title="What will the Choices of the Interactive Special of The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants be?"> </ac_metadata>
