Dreamworks Animation Wiki

Tiffany Fluffit is a news reporter and a minor character in the DreamWorks film, The Bad Guys. She is voiced by YouTuber Lilly Singh.


Physical Appearance[]

Tiffany is a slim woman who, while her ethnicity is unspecified, is implied to be of Indian-Canadian descent, given that she is loosely modeled after her voice actress. She has tannish-olive skin with freckles on her face, eyes with noticeable brown irises, long straight black hair with side swept bangs, in which she ties up into a small high-bun by a brown beaded hair tie, and wears makeup which consists of lilac eyeshadow, wild-mulberry lipstick, and light blue nail polish on her nails.

Her attire consists of a lilac-purple pantsuit over a white collared shirt and a blue camisole top, a blue beaded bracelet around her right wrist, and a pair of flats which are somewhat a darker purple of her suit. She accessorizes with a single gold hoop-earring on her left ear, pink-and-purple hair beads worn on one strand of hair, and a lanyard with her ID card hanging from her neck


  • In the books, she was a cat.
  • "Fluff" is often used as a derogatory term for news reporting that's superficial, which basically describes Tiffany's whole reporting style.


v - e - d
The Bad Guys Logo
Films: The Bad GuysThe Bad Guys 2

Shorts: Maraschino Ruby
Speicals: A Very Bad HolidayHaunted Heist

The Bad Guys: Mr. WolfMr. SnakeMr. PiranhaMs. TarantulaMr. Shark

Others: Diane FoxingtonProfessor MarmaladeChief LugginsCuddlesKittyTiffany Fluffit

Sea also
Main: Awkwafina (Ms. Tarantula) • Craig Robinson (Mr. Shark) • Anthony Ramos (Mr. Piranha) • Alex Borstein (Chief Luggins) • Barbara Goodson (Old Lady)